Mt Disappointment Easy Tracks

I headed off for a day of driving medium tracks at Mt Disappointment, with the belief that NewTracs medium rating would more than likely be easy rating. I called it. Just saying! I drove Hills Road, Bruces Creek Road, Raynors Road, Watering Creek Road, Harpers Creek Road, Dry Creek Road, Phone Track and Escreet Road.

I did these in the dry, however, I believe a stock 4WD with highway tyres would drive all of these tracks in the wet too. They all had excellent traction, no significant obstacles or issues. The only difference would be maybe you would have to use 4H instead of 2H for most of the tracks when wet.

8 Tracks in total at Mt Disappointment on Monday

I recorded two tracks for Youtube, everything else was much easier than these two recorded, to the point where I drove most in 2H the entire time. Medium rating is total BS.

These are 8 easy tracks you can drive to begin your 4WD’ing experience, or for teaching others the basics of 2H, 4H and 4L use without obstacles or mud. A nice rest stop at Blairs Hut picnic area.

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