Mt Disappointment is a great place if you’re learning to 4WD or you don’t want to punish your 4WD too much. The majority of tracks suit stock vehicles and those that are lightly modified. There are limited tracks in the area graded as difficult and very difficult according to NewTracs App.
I look at the mountain as two sections, Northern and Southern. The Southern section is where you want to start as a beginner. The medium grade tracks according to NewTracs are easier grade tracks. There was not one medium grade track I drove in the Southern area that I would consider remotely challenging using any stock 4wd, including when wet.
If you live in Greater Melbourne and want to learn how to 4WD, then the Southern area of Mt Disappointment is a great place to get your wheels dirty and begin your experience. You can drive Mt Disappointment easy and medium tracks solo. Just don’t venture onto difficult and above gradings according to NewTracs.
As your familiarity with your vehicle, its settings and how to drive gradients evolves, venture over to the Northern tracks of Mt Disappointment where you will begin testing your skills on the medium grade tracks. Don’t panic, nothing difficult that can’t be driven with a stock 4wd. You will start experiencing ruts, mud, tight turns with obstacles and gullies that will absolutely require low range.
The Northern medium grade tracks stack up as medium grade in the dry. Add water for additional fun and adventure. Honestly, if you venture out to do Northern tracks in the rain you may want AT/MT tyres as a bare minimum modification. Just for safety as they’re less likely to slip around as much as HT tyres. There are tight obstacles on steep gradients in the Northern tracks to warrant that wet tyre recommendation.
For example, this dry river bed has a sharp left between trees from a descent to ascent. If wet, that creek bed will likely have water and the inclines slippery.

The tracks in the area are quite good in relation to grip. There are obvious places along some tracks which become slippery. You won’t see anything like the above in the Southern medium tracks. Choose carefully based on rain fall if running highway tyres whether you do the Southern or Northern medium tracks to cut your teeth upon.
A differing view between the Southern and Northern medium track classification is depicted below. Escreet Road is a typical medium track on the Southern end, very easy, where Dragsaw is one of the easier medium classified tracks on the Northern end.